
Showing posts from June, 2022

Pensioners' Portal 4.0(09052022):eGovernance Initiative

  India has a complicated pension system that is complex.   There are three main components to this Indian pension structure: social solidarity aid, also known as the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) to help the elderly and the poor and the civil servants' pension (now available to everyone) and the compulsory defined contribution pension plans operated by the Employees' Provident Fund Organization of India, which is for private sector workers and employees of state-owned companies as well as several other voluntary plans. Minimum pension with no contribution The National Social Assistance Scheme is a social safety net that is limited for those who are elderly, poor, and disabled that fall under the official poverty level.   It is a non-contributory retirement pension which was first introduced in the year 1995.   It's aimed at those aged between 60 and 65 old who aren't working for pay either due to medical reasons or as caregivers.   In order to be ...